- 耸人听闻 打一字
- 娘戴兰花,崽穿旗袍;崽脱旗袍,娘娘崽崽一样高。 (打一植物)
- When Columbus discovered America,where did he stand?
- 金木火化烬 提示:农业用语
- 冰里生来火里长,三月春风起绿浪,南风吹来遍体金,粉身碎骨为人香。 (打一植物)
- 身穿绿衣裳,口含珍珠囊,隐身深山处,时时传幽香。 (打一花卉)
- 变形金刚 (打一歌手)
- 好像牛羊在车前 (花卉树木)
- 二小二小,头上长草。 打一字
- 葫芦墩白米(射闽南话歇后语一)
- 若一不在,立即变坏。 打一字
- 夭 提示:印刷术语一
- 闹龙宫猴王逞英(猜一体育词语)
- 一个西瓜,十人抢它,抢到了手,又扔了它。(猜一物)
- “王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸”中的王婆卖的是什么瓜?
- 光棍一条(打二字体育项目)
- What starts with a T, ends with a T, and is full of t?
- What is that you ought to keep after you give it to somebody
- What is it:Has a mouth and does not speak, Has a bed and doe
- What word of only three syllables contains twenty-six letters?
- From house to house I go, Sometimes narrow, sometimes wide. And whether th
- My face is pale, and full and fair;And round it beauty spots
- Old Mister Puddididdle Played in the muddy puddle; He had ye
- What is that which has no leg but a body and a long neck?
- If a band plays in a thunderstorm,who is most likely to get
- What animal wears big black glasses on its face?
- As long as I live 1 eat,But when I drink I die.
- In spring I am gay In handsome array; In summer more clothin
- My ears are long, and short my tail. If you try to catch me